Sunday, October 03, 2010

Server Scheduled Tasks Script

'Author: Scot Geer ()
'Purpose: Reads all scheduled tasks listed, compiles their last run, last result, etc.
'         & then sends it to specified recipient(s) via text email
'Date Created: 07 Oct 2008
'Instructions: Modify only the parameters in the "modify" section below
'Tips: If this script cannot send an email to the SMTP server, it will fail silently
'      & write to the Event Log. Put a bad ip address in there, then run it, then check
'      your event log (application, ERROR, WSH)

Option Explicit

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim objFSO, objDocument, objShell
Dim commandsArr, schTasksArr(), groupedTasksArr()
Dim myCmd, x, fullCommand, totalTaskLinesRequested
Dim reqSchTasksLinesArr, myTimeDateNow

myCmd = "cmd /c "

'                                 !!! Modify this section only !!!
'commandsArr is an array of command line commands
'CLI Scheduled Tasks reference found here:
commandsArr = Array("schtasks /query /fo LIST /v")

'run this CLI command "schtasks /query /fo LIST /v" and pick which lines you want here:
reqSchTasksLinesArr = Array("TaskName:","Next Run Time:","Last Run Time:","Last Result:")

'Modify this section only for the 'sendEmail' function
Dim eFrom,eTo,eSubject,eBody,eAttachment,eUsername,ePassword
Dim eSmtpServer,eSmtpPort,eSmtpUseSSL

Const eNetworkType = 1 'use '1' if script will run on machine with SMTP installed
'Const eNetworkType = 2 'use '2' if script will run on SMTP box somewhere on network

eFrom = ""
eTo = ""
eSubject = "Daily Scheduled Tasks Report (Server-Name -"
eBody = ""
'Type in full path and filename with extension here if you want an attachment
eAttachment = "%homepath%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log"
'Note: use domain\username if going to exchange server
'Note: use if going to public Internet SMTP server
'Note: only use username/password if SMTP server is on separate machine
eUsername = "" 
ePassword = "" 
eSmtpServer = "Name-of-SMTP-Server"
eSmtpPort = 25
eSmtpUseSSL = False
'                                  !!! Modify this section only !!!

totalTaskLinesRequested = ((UBound(reqSchTasksLinesArr))+1)

'Main Code
myTimeDateNow = FormatDateTime(Time,0) & ", " & Date

For x=0 To UBound(commandsArr)
fullCommand = myCmd & commandsArr(x)
'replace Null with fullPath if writing to file
runCommands fullCommand, Null 


eBody = prettyUpResults 'builds results into body of email

sendEmail eFrom,eTo,eSubject,eBody,eAttachment,eUsername,ePassword, _

'Action: runs commands via command line, reads each line or reads all
'Dependencies: 'appendTextToFile()' (only if you want to write to file)
'              global declaration of schTasksArr to enter results
'           global declaration of totalTaskLinesRequested
'              'groupTaskResults()' 
'Parameters: 'pCommand' --> command line (ex: "schtasks /query /fo LIST /v") 
'            'pPath' --> fullPath of text file to write info to (if applicable)
'Returns: Nothing
Sub runCommands(pCommand,pPath)

Dim objExecObject, strLine, y, w

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(pCommand)
y = 0

Do Until objExecObject.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
   strLine = objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine
   For w=0 To UBound(reqSchTasksLinesArr)
   If InStr(strLine, reqSchTasksLinesArr(w)) Then
    ReDim Preserve schTasksArr(y)
    schTasksArr(y) = strLine
' appendTextToFile pPath,schTasksArr(y) 'write to text file
   End If
End Sub

'Action: pulls 3 specific lines from the 'schTasksArr' array and groups them
'        into their own sections for easy display or printing to a file
'Dependencies: 'schTasksArr' --> lines from --> "schtasks /query /fo LIST /v"
'              global declaration of 'totalTaskLinesRequested'
'              'totalTaskLinesRequested' = # of lines wanted from schtasks cmd
'Parameters: none
'Returns: nothing returned but it does build the global groupedTasksArr array
Function groupTaskResults

'making info into groups of 3 lines 
'we want 3 specific lines from each sch task
Dim m, w, groupedTasks, groupedTaskResults, tempPlaceHolder
w = 0
'get number of total task lines, divide by totalTaskLinesRequested 
'to get # of sections needed
groupedTasks = (UBound(schTasksArr) + 1)/totalTaskLinesRequested
'don't forget to subtract 1 (starts at zero)
For x=0 To groupedTasks - 1
'grouping each scheduled task sections
'don't forget to subtract 1 (starts at zero)
For m=0 To totalTaskLinesRequested - 1
tempPlaceHolder = tempPlaceHolder & schTasksArr(w) & vbCrLf
w = w + 1
groupedTaskResults = tempPlaceHolder
tempPlaceHolder = Null 

ReDim Preserve groupedTasksArr(x)
groupedTasksArr(x) = groupedTaskResults
'Keep this echo line here for testing purposes
' WScript.Echo groupedTasksArr(x) & vbTab & "This is the grouped tasks"

End Function

'Action: formats array results into a readable/printable form
'Dependencies: globally declared array of some kind
'Parameters: none
'Returns: 'myPrettyPrint' --> properly formatted results
Function prettyUpResults

Dim myPrettyPrint
For x=0 To UBound(groupedTasksArr)
myPrettyPrint = myPrettyPrint & groupedTasksArr(x) _
& vbCrLf & "Current System Time" _
& String(9, ".") & myTimeDateNow _
& vbCrLf & String(40, "#") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

prettyUpResults = myPrettyPrint

End Function

'Action: sends email & attachment (attachment optional)
'Dependencies: global declaration of "modify" section below
'Parameters: see "modify" section below
'Returns: nothing
Function sendEmail(pFr,pTo,pSu,pTe,pAtt,eUser,ePswd,pType,pSmtp,ePort,eSSL)

'Modify this section only for the 'sendEmail' function 
'Put this section in the global declaration section of this script
' Dim eFrom,eTo,eSubject,eBody,eAttachment,eUsername,ePassword
' Dim eSmtpServer,eSmtpPort,eSmtpUseSSL

'Const eNetworkType = 1 'use '1' if script will run on machine with SMTP installed
'Const eNetworkType = 2 'use '2' if script will run on SMTP box somewhere on network

' eFrom = ""
' eTo = ""
' eSubject = "Subject Message"
' eBody = "Body of email"
'Type in full path and filename with extension here if you want an attachment
' eAttachment = "c:\temp\logs\backup01.log"
'Note: use domain\username if going to exchange server
'Note: use if going to public Internet SMTP server
' eUsername = "domain\username" 'don't use this line if eNetworkType=1 
' ePassword = "password"        'don't use this line if eNetworkType=1
' eSmtpServer = "serverName or IP address"
' eSmtpPort = 25
' eSmtpUseSSL = False

On Error Resume Next

Dim objEmail, extraMessages

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
extraMessages = "Check the parameters in the 'email modify' section" _
& " of the script" _
& vbCrLf & "Rob I. is a Hottie!  :D"
objEmail.From = pFr
objEmail.To = pTo
objEmail.Subject = pSu
objEmail.Textbody = pTe
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
   ("") = pType
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
   ("") = pSmtp 
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
   ("") = ePort

'Only use this section if running this script from a non-SMTP server, such as a 
'workstation. Simply remove the apostrophe's at the beginning of each line.
' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'    ("") = 1 
' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'    ("") = eUser
' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
'    ("") = ePswd
' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'    ("") = eSSL
' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'    ("") = 60

End Function

'Action: generic error handler module that writes to the system event log
'Dependencies: global declaration of 'objShell'
'Parameters: 'pMsg' = extra message you want written to the event log
'Returns: nothing
Sub myErrHandler(pMsg)

Dim errMessage, eventLogMessage
If Err.Number<>0 Then
errMessage = Err.Description
eventLogMessage = WScript.ScriptFullName _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & errMessage _
& vbCrLf & pMsg
' WScript.Echo eventLogMessage
objShell.LogEvent 1, eventLogMessage
End If

End Sub

'Action: quits the script and prompts the user "Quitting Now"
'Dependencies: none
'Parameters: nothing
'Returns: nothing
Sub quitScript

WScript.Echo "Quitting Now"

End Sub