Friday, June 12, 2015

Martin Pro Software to iPhone App Connectivity Issue

I recently got a call from my Church asking for some help with a networking issue. Packet captures to the rescue!

A Windows PC running Martin-Pro Lighting Console Software can be controlled using an iPhone/iPad app call "M-Series Remote" (aka MaxRemote). This app can remotely control various aspects of the lighting software (over the wireless network).

When connected to the same VLAN over the Ruckus AP and through a Cisco Catalyst 2960X switch, the app would *not* connect. However, going through a small Linksys WiFi router, the app connection was working just fine (see network layout below).

After running a packet capture on the PC, I noticed the Martin software was advertising a multicast stream (waiting for remote clients to connect). A quick search yielded that Cisco switches have IGMP Snooping enabled by default. Easily turned off with "no ip igmp snooping". After turning that off and restarting the lighting software, the iPhone app connected without problem!

Technical Details
It looks like the MaxRemote listens for multicast traffic (using UDP) on port 32480. The iPhone connects to the controller using the multicast stream over this same port. You can see this in the packet capture screenshot below. = controller = iPhone running the MaxRemote app.
  • In line #151 below, the source (iPhone) is touching the multicast address ( for the first time.
  • The controller is responding to the iPhone in line #157 (after a successful ARP reply in line #156).
  • The connection is successful in lines #173 & #179 (iPhone successfully joins the multicast group).
Multicast is much more efficient than broadcasts (especially considering the marriage of A/V and networking), so I applaud the Martin Software Engineers for forward-thinking!

Friday, June 05, 2015

Copy File from Bootflash to Subdirectory

Bootflash with "/37subs" as a subdirectory.

copy clientlib-28445_R0-0.log 37subs/


Copy from subdirectory to bootflash (root):

copy tracelogs/clientlib-28445_R0-0.log bootflash: 


go up one level:



request platform software package expand file bootflash:37subs/asr1001-universalk9.03.07.06.S.152-4.S6.bin

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

VACL Working Config

Goal: Allow PC1 to talk with anything on the local LAN ( but block PC1 from accessing the Internet. Only allow PC2 to access the Internet. Block everything else.

Note: 3750 layer-2 switch (ip routing disabled), running "c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-50.SE4.bin"

Note: For some reason, I had to use wildcard masks instead of "host" (it wasn't working, troubleshot, but gave up).

PC1: (on port f1/0/5)

PC2: (on port f1/0/7)

Internet Connection: (on port f1/0/9)

mac access-list extended permitARP
 permit any any 0x806 0x0
ip access-list extended LocalOnlyACL
 permit ip
ip access-list extended InternetOnlyACL
 permit ip any
 permit ip any
vlan access-map myVACLMap 10
 action forward
 match ip address LocalOnlyACL   
vlan access-map myVACLMap 11
 action forward
 match ip address InternetOnlyACL 

vlan access-map myVACLMap 15
 action forward
 match mac address permitARP      

vlan access-map myVACLMap 20
 action drop                     
vlan filter 123 vlan-list 44
interface FastEthernet1/0/5
 switchport access vlan 44
 switchport mode access
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet1/0/7
 switchport access vlan 44
 switchport mode access
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet1/0/9
 switchport access vlan 44
 switchport mode access
 spanning-tree portfast
